Dec 29, 2009


Well, here we are in blankinglostworld. In blankinglostworld we are surrounded by advertising banners that I have placed here hoping you will click on them and join whatever program it is that I have gotten myself into.

So far it's working pretty well and I have no earthly idea why except that these sites are not all bells and whistles and there are no gurus lurking about to jam your inboxes with gurumail.

Since I've just started this recently I can't brag about my new ferrari or show you my mansion near the golf course. What I can say is click on one of the banners or buttons and take a test drive.

1 comment:

MarkM said...

Oh good, you have comment moderation turned on. Some of the gurus have pretty good eliza scripts to make up comments for them though.

I didn't see mention of a one time offer, have you tried them? As I wrote at Makemoney Knotwork, making them is so simple the only reason cavemen didn't have them was al Gore hadn't yet invented the internet.

My blog is way out of date, I wrote the page just mentioned in a text editor instead of going through all the rigamarole of logging on to blogger.

Sure I could some day log on to blogger and paste it there, but sheesh, whats wrong with where it is?

I am surfing BlogClicker, so hopefully I'll be seeing more of blankinglostworld in the decades ahead.

-MarkM- ("knotwork"; Digitalis Data Services.)