Do you feel stimulated? I don't. Stimulus or not many of my friends are still out of work and have been for way too long. Unemployment in my state (Florida) is hovering at about 12% according to the latest figures. A lot of talk about job creation just isn't going to cut it. The politicians have again placed the cart squarely in front of the horse ten days before the road gets paved.
Most of us have been baffled by the contempt shown for the common man by those elected to best serve his needs. The comical attempts of the Democrats to shift emphasis from healthcare to jobs on the day Scott Brown was elected matched the equally hilarious jostling by Republicans to claim credit for the victory.
Truth is the American people, slow to anger and generous to a fault, are beginning to display that anger in ways that neither over-funded, over-privileged, under-achieving business as usual party can comprehend. Change? How about a spot of tea.
I see someone else thinks along my lines! Have a great day!
Amen brother, how about a little common sense in DC? The old tax and spend ain't workin'!
Within 30 days after September 11, 2001, my construction electrician husband was out of work. For the next 5-1/2 years, he only worked 1/2 the time because those jobs were eliminated or put on hold. Many are just showing up on the calendar today 2010! GWB started this ball rolling and left a lot of cow pies in the front lawn of the White House. You can't correct 8 years of a disaster in a few months. Open your eyes and recognize the truth. I know that people that weren't affected until now, blame it on the poor sucker that took over the presidency last year. But, believe me, I can tell you a much different story.
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